Virtual worlds have a Troll problem. Trolls are people who hang around in virtual worlds with the singular point of upsetting people. More than that they seem to be there to destroy or cancel anything they disagree with. Some of these people are why I pulled my plug on VR I ended up feeling as I have many times that I don’t wanna be surrounded by that kind of venom or by people who are content to let it go for the common good So maybe I also want to cancel people. I hang around in hubs in second life in my spare time. Some of these hubs are populated with this low-level racism. It’s the kinds if insidious crap that people tolerate. I tend to speak my mind and don’t put up with crap like that. There are a few ways of looking at Trolls They are being racist for effect and to score troll points Or they are racists I think there is no difference between the two things. I also think that to not speak out is to condone it I lost a lot of friends this way and I loo...